Historical Development and Construction of the Mandolin

The Art of Mandolin Making
336 pages and over 800 colour photographs
23,5 x 29,5 cm (9“ x 11,5“) hardcover
German version also available

ISBN: 978-3-9822264-1-5 Price: 69.- €
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By Alfred Woll

In this book, the master mandolin maker Alfred Woll shares the knowledge he has accumulated over 40 years of professional experience.

In the historical part he explains how the development of the mandolin in Italy was influenced by the masters Vinaccia, Embergher and Calace, how it spread in Germany, and how a new mandolin model was created there by Reinhold Seiffert.

In the practical part that follows, Alfred Woll lets us look over his shoulder in his workshop, providing an insight into how his mandolins are made, supported by many detailed photos and construction drawings.

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Die Laute in Europa
Price: € 39,-
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By Andreas Schlegel & Joachim Lüdtke

The lute and other important European stringed instruments, represented in more than 440 pages with 150 full-page colour pictures of instruments, sources and works of art.

The book covers the european lutes, mandolins, guitars and zithers in a comprehensive manner. The pictures contained are almost entirely new, and compared to the 30 colour pages of the first edition, are drastically increased in number. The colour reproductions of original instruments, musical sources, works of art (music iconography) and detailed, but understandable texts, gives musical laymen as well as readers with advanced knowledge a detailed insight into the construction, development and design of these instruments, from the Middle Ages to today's revival of the lute

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Price: € 45,-
276 pp, A4, full color, German / English, 400 fig.
More, reviews, sample pages etc., see:
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By Enrico Weller, Dirk Arzig, Mario Welle

Since the second third of the 19th century, catalogues have accompanied the development of musical instrument making in Vogtland.

To the instrument collector they serve as objects of comparison, for the historian they bring the economic history to life, and by the musicologist they are even considered an iconographic source. For all these reasons the special exhibition in 2015 at the Musical Instrument Museum, Markneukirchen was dedicated for the first time not to a particular type of instrument, or a manufacturer, but to these historical catalogues.

The companion volume to this exhibition explains their scientific value, discusses issues of dating, and shows the history of catalogue printing in Vogtland with the example of the Markneukirchen firm J.Schmidt. The focus is on exhibits of annotated excerpts from 82 catalogues from 1835 to 1838, each with brief additional information relating to the company's history.

Further information

CATALOGUE Gitarren 17. bis 19. Jahrhundert

of the University of Leipzig.
Catalogue, Leipzig 2016
96 pp., 245 color illustrations, 69 illustrations, printed, 21 x 21 cm
Publishing house Janos Stekovics, publishing house of the Museum of Musical Instruments of the University of Leipzig
ISBN 978-3-89923-364-3 and 978-3-9804574-8-4

by Andreas Michel & Philipp Neumann.

Recommendation on the topic of historical guitars: A major work on the exploration of guitars from the middle of Germany.
This book is highly recommended. Prof. Andreas Michel has been involved in researching this topic for a long time and is a valuable and indispensable partner in the exchange of information with his comprehensive knowledge of the sources. The good cooperation with Mr. Michel is also due to the fact that I had the honor to read the catalog shortly before printing.

With this volume, the museum continues the catalog series on the plucked instruments. After the inventory of the Zithers, cisterns and the guitars of the Weissgerber collection, the guitars from the 17th to the 19th century are treated. The authors have devoted themselves to the difficult task of scientifically investigating and evaluating the valuable but also very heterogeneous fundus of over 120 guitar instruments. In this catalog, 72 guitars from the period before 1900 are detailed and described. The catalog contains numerous new insights..

Contents / text excerpt


FERNANDO SOR - The Unwritten Autobiography, Including his Reflections on the Guitar

Fernando Sor

By Wolf Moser

New edition, expanded and completely revised, Edition Saint-Georges, Lyon 2005

223 S., 51 music examples, 36,- €

ISBN 3-00-0155274-1
English version also available

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Diego de SILVA VELÁZQUEZ - Die Monographie


By Wolf Moser

This two volume work written in german is unique because of the variety of information and its length of 880 pages.

With 340 figures (more than 100 in colour, in two or four colours; some single, some double-sided). Plus translations from Spanish, full catalogue, bibliography, timeline, index; paperback (stitched). 89,- €

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Francisco Tarrega

By Wolf Moser

The Guitar In Spain Between 1830 and 1960

Edition Saint-Georges, 494 S., 140 pictures, 200 music examples, 65,- €

ISBN 3-00-012750-X
Spanish version also available

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